Fetchy is a set of tools based on artificial intelligence algorithms for teachers to make work in class more effective and save time. Fetchy offers a variety of tools that assist in most of the classroom activities, which include lesson planning, grading, and communication activities. Such processes are fully automated in Fetchy, which means that the teachers can pay much more attention to the learning activities, inter alia delivering differentiated instruction effectively.
Some of the features incorporated in Fetchy are tools for completing tasks, a learning assistance option, and communication within and outside the classroom. Using artificial intelligence, Fetchy assists teachers to differentiate instruction according to the students’ learning needs and keeps all the students focused and enthusiastic.
Fetchy is such a useful site for educators who want to enhance their teaching and learning techniques. By enabling automation of some tasks, making education more personalized, and enhancing communication, it becomes a need in modern learning practices for enhancing the performance of both learners and trainers.